Sunday, March 27, 2011

Words from a V-Man Extraordinaire

"It is not our fault the world is the way it is, but it is our responsibility" - Derek Dujardin

Vagina Warriors welcomed Derek with a delicious dinner 
As we advertised earlier, Derek Dujardin visited Westminster during his tour of the US and Canada. Derek is the founder, writer, and performer of The MENding Monologues, a new theatre movement designed to bring men into the conversation around sexual violence. His presentation incorporated a few monologues from his show as he led the group through the philosophy and goal of MENding. You can read  "For Linda," "R U My 2:15?," and "Tantra," at the MENding website. 

Derek reminded us that Vagina Warriors should continually think of what type of world we are working towards.  Here are some ways the audience answered the question "what kind of world do you want women to live in?":
  • One where safety isn't the primary concern
  • One where women can self-actualize without depending on masculine standards
  • One where we empathize with one another
  • One where labels are unimportant
  • One where we value positive female role models
 Probably the most significant part of Derek's presentation was a guide to challenging other people's view with an open heart. He specifically applied this to instances where a man might hold hurtful or ignorant views of women and sexual violence. I've briefly outlined his process
Derek's presentation was well-attended and interactive.
  1. Identify the person's belief or behavior 
    1. Figure out the issue at hand (e.g.; women in an abusive relationship deserve it)
  2. Get curious about the other person's views 
    1. Ask questions and show interest in what they believe
  3. Ask permission to examine their idea
    1. Focus on the idea, not the person
  4. Discuss what they are committed to
    1. Identify their personal values (e.g.; women should be treated respectfully)
  5. Show how the belief or behavior is at odds with what they are committed to
    1.  Demonstrate how physically, emotionally, and sexually abusing women is not respectful behavior
  6. Share your own experience
    1. Empathize with them and show it is truly possible for them to follow their commitments
It is important to avoid SHAMING during this process.  Shame immediately excludes the other person - it is not a welcoming and understanding experience.

For more information on Derek, visit his website.

~ Peace and Happiness ~
Vagina Warrior Extraordinaire

Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Very Special Visit

Derek Dujardin, creator of The MENding Monologues, is joining V-Day next week!

Possibly the most inspiring thing I've seen develop in V-Day is the inclusion of men in the fight against sexual violence. It seems as though the language of "violence against women" has gained more nuance in the term "gender violence." Discussing gender violence, whether it be against men, women, trans, or any other gender, invites more voices to join the conversation. It also reminds us that sexual violence does not exclusively target women.

One of the most outspoken advocates against gender violence is Derek Dujardin, creator of The MENding Monologues. Like The Vagina Monologues, MENding uses theatre as a medium to speak out. Derek encourages men to find their voice, join the conversation, and examine the true cost of violence in their lives and begin the healing process. 

Derek's visit on March 15th will include two events:

A MEN'S ONLY workshop and discussion will inspire and enable guys to examine how gender violence affects the women in their lives and what they can about it.
HWAC Special Events Room, 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

An exclusive performance of "The Masculine Advocate: Empowering Men to Win the War on Gender Violence" for MEN and WOMEN that draws from MENding eight practices to empower men to take an active role in stopping gender violence in our community.
HWAC Special Events Room, 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

More about Derek Dujardin and The MENding Monologues can be found at

You can also check out the international V-Men movement at

New to the Westminster campus? Visit the Campus Map to find your way to the Dolores Dore Eccles Health, Wellness and Athletic Center (Number 12).
~ Peace and Happiness ~
Vagina Warrior Extraordinaire