Wednesday, February 9, 2011

And The Curtain Closes

V-Week and The Vagina Monologues finally end, a bittersweet moment for all

The Westminster section of the Clothesline

For me, finishing The Vagina Monologues is always a mix of feelings.It's relieving to have finished the event, to see the product of your effort completed; and yet, it won't be another year until you experience the V-Week again. But I suppose the fact that V-Week only occurs once a year makes it that more special and impactful.

All the Vagina Warriors would like to thank everyone who came to the show. From Thursday and Friday ticket sales alone, we raised $4,500! Since Saturday also sold out (and then some), we expect our ticket sales to be huge!

Our Healing Tree in the Shaw Center

I'll post pictures from The Vagina Monologues later tonight, but for now I'll leave you with some more pictures from V-Week.

~ Peace and Happiness ~
Vagina Warrior Extraordinaire

1 comment:

  1. The healing tree was such a lovely idea and powerful visual! Nice job folks.
