Friday, January 28, 2011

 We are telling the stories behind the statistics. We are breaking the silence.

Shirts from previous years

"I want to thank everyone for being courageous enough to share your stories and support one another," said a participant in the Shirts & Stories Night yesterday. In an evening filled with compassion, several women came together to share their experiences with sexual, emotional, and physical abuse, and offered support and love to one another.
Cassidy and Erika painting their shirts in the hallway.

Shirts & Stories Night began in 2008 as Westminster's contribution to The Clothesline Project.  The Clothesline aims to raise awareness by "bearing witness to violence against women." Oftentimes, we are overwhelmed and bombarded with statistics and we forget what the numbers mean.  The Clothesline consists of many different colored shirts, each decorated with the story of a victim or survivor. You can learn more about the Clothesline at Our Shirts & Stories Night provides a safe space for women (and sometimes men) to share their experiences and complete a shirt. The shirts are hung during V-Week in the Jewett Center for Performing Arts along with 200 other shirts from around Utah, which we borrow from Utah Valley University.

Erika, Neva, and Jill before the story telling

Last night, Erika Workman, a coach who specializes in emotional healing and creating self love, led the group by setting the intention to respect and help one another heal. Some shared their stories, others voiced their support. Erika did a wonderful job at moderating the discussion and helping the group release negative emotions.

This was my fourth time going to the event and it was one of the most fulfilling. Everything felt open and supportive like we were truly safe with one another.  My only wish is that more people could have experienced it.  

Blank shirts waiting to be decorated.  Each color represents a different type of abuse.

There will be a private room open for people to decorate shirts at The Vagina Monologues.  Everything will be confidential.  You can also take home a shirt to decorate it there and there is no obligation to hang your shirt. Both men and women are welcome to contribute to The Clothesline Project.

~ Peace and Happiness ~
Vagina Warrior Extraordinaire

Friday, January 21, 2011

What's Going on During V-Week?

 We officially declare January 31st - February 5th as V-Week!

The week leading up to The Vagina Monologues is full of vagina-happy events. Bright patches of red cover the Westminster campus: statistics, hearts, and ribbons. Volunteers also hang out in the Shaw student center, promoting V-Day events and wrapping ribbons around the wrists of people who sign the "These Hands Don't Hurt" poster. 

Laura, the same lovely lady who designed the show poster, also designed a poster listing all of V-Week's events. Take a look and save the date!

~ Peace and Happiness ~
Vagina Warrior Extraordinaire

Our Lovely Show Poster!

One of the most important things about The Vagina Monologues is the show poster!

Traditionally, a V-Day volunteer designs the poster. Each one is unique, each reflecting the spirit of the annual show. They are distributed to businesses throughout the Salt Lake valley and posted around campus.

This year's poster was designed by Laura (whose profile is in an earlier post). The small print in the background is V-Day's official mission statement, which you can read at I think she did a spectacular job! Leave your comments and let her know how much you like it!

~ Peace and Happiness ~
Vagina Warrior Extraordinaire

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

You Might Be A Budding Vagina Warrior If...

Becoming a Vagina Warrior is a journey.  It takes time, patience, and guts.  I remember when I first started on the road to wearing the red and black. I was shy and quiet and the word "vagina" stuck in my mouth like peanut butter. Gradually, I loosened up as I came to realize just how important it was for me to break the silence surrounding sexual assault. I spoke out for myself and others.  It was time I added my voice to those around me.

Whatever your level of support -- the active volunteer or quiet supporter -- everyone who opposes sexual violence can be a Vagina Warrior.  They may be the guy at the party stopping an abusive situation. They may be the woman reading a monologue. They may be the person who donates their time to a domestic violence shelter. A Vagina Warrior joins a group of wild, unstoppable activists.  We are people who welcome fellow Warriors in our fight and support each other through our battles.

Time for all you Vagina Warriors to come out of the closet and JOIN US!

So, you might be a budding Vagina Warrior if...

1. You believe that women should be able to live safely and freely. 

Image Source:; Eve Ensler at Jumpin' in the Pink for V TO THE TENTH

2. You've been to a V-Day event like our Naked Lady Clothing Party clothing exchange.

Volunteers preparing clothes for the Naked Lady Clothing Party

3. You or a loved one have been affected by sexual violence and you're ready to break the silence.

4. You've seen The Vagina Monologues, but haven't auditioned.

The Vagina Monologues 2010

5. You can say "vagina" in public...almost. 

6. You read the red statistic signs around campus during V-Week.

7. You ate a milk chocolate vagina pop and actually liked it. 

Student Honors Council chocolate vagina pop sale 2009

 8. You're fascinated by Law and Order: SVU, but want something more. 

9. You work at/own a business that supports V-Day at Westminster.

A strong, confident Vagina Warrior

10. You feel that survivors should thrive and create rather than just recover from terrible trauma.

~Peace and Happiness~
Vagina Warrior Extraordinaire

Yummy Food Makes Vaginas Happy

As we get closer and closer to the opening night of The Vagina Monologues, more donors have rallied to our cause!

As someone who enjoys good food (who doesn't?), I'm impressed with how many delicious restaurants have agreed to donate to our silent auction. If I go broke bidding on these delicious gift cards, it's all their fault. We have the college student's pizza heaven. We have the sophisticated foodie's retreat. We have the valentine sweetheart's perfect gift. Really, we have a great line-up.

First up, the "People's Choice for Utah's Best Pizza for Over 30 years"! 

Image source:
The Pie Pizzeria

This edgy pizza place now delivers its famous pizza by mail anywhere in the United States.

On deck, the restaurant group that teaches us the "art of good eating"

Image source:
Gastronomy, Inc.

The Market Street Oyster Bars serve (of course) oysters, lobster, shrimp, crab, mussels and clams. Remarkably, this seafood is good. Practically unheard of in a semi-arid land-locked state.

In the hole, those looking for a great Valentine's gift need look no further than professional chocolates. 


Image source:
Cummings Studio Chocolates

A long-time supporter of V-Day, Cummings has been around since 1924 and specializes in multiple kinds of sweets and treats. I personally like their Rum Victoria Pecans and annual chocolate-covered strawberries. And don't forget their amazing high heel shoe mold. A fashionable chocolate shoe!

I'll put up a complete list of our donors just as soon as we compile them all.  Thanks to every business willing to support V-Day!

~Peace and Happiness~
Vagina Warrior Extraordinare 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"I Refuse to Stand Idle While This Happens"

V-Day is more than fundraising -- it's the wonderful people who dedicate themselves to the campaign. They are true Vagina Warriors. 

I'll be posting profiles of some of our Vagina Warriors so that you can see the people behind the scenes. 

Cris has rocked the "Angry Vagina" and "The Little Coochie Snorcher That Could" monologues in years past.
When did you become a Vagina Warrior? What inspired you to join V-Day?
I first became inspired to join the V-Day campaign after seeing Westminster's production of The Vagina Monologues. I was deeply moved by the stories of women that have survived sexual violence. I wanted to do something to raise awareness and work toward ending the violence. 

To you, why is it important to stop sexual violence?
Every human being has a right to their own body. No one can tell you what to do with your body, especially if it is something to which you object. Unfortunately, many individuals continue to have their rights violated by others. As a fellow human, I refuse to stand idle while this happens. I'm only one person, but I will give all myself to the cause because sexual violence is one of the worst forms of terrorism on this planet. And just like the V-Day campaign declares, I will fight "until the violence stops."

What is your favorite monologue from the show?
My favorite monologue is "My Vagina Was My Village." It's not a funny piece, but it's my favorite because it is so powerful. I feel that it is easy for many of us to ignore what is happening around the world because we are in our happy American bubble. It's important for us to recognize the sexual violence that takes place everywhere, from the house next door to a country on the other side of the planet. 

Is there anything that makes you an outrageous Warrior? Any catch phrase? Accessory? 
I don't really have a catch phrase, but my vagina is my weapon of choice. :) I'm currently working on designing a rear window decal for my truck to promote the V-Day campaign for 2011. It should be interesting to see what kind of reactions I get from others. Any attention will be good. I want people to ask questions because it raises awareness.

If your vagina could talk, what would it say?
"Won't you be my neighbor?" It wants other vaginas to join the fight.

~Peace and Happiness~
Vagina Warrior Extraordinaire

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

"Fun, Frisky, Upbeat, and Packs a Punch!"

V-Day is more than fundraising -- it's the wonderful people who dedicate themselves to the campaign. They are true Vagina Warriors. 

I'll be posting profiles of some of our Vagina Warriors so that you can see the people behind the scenes.  

An outdoor enthusiast, Cassidy finds time to explore the Wasatch and market V-Day 2011.
When did you become a Vagina Warrior? What inspired you to you to join V-Day?
I had two vivid V-Day revelations my freshman year. First, my roommate told me that she had immediately deleted an email about The Vagina Monologues because she was mortified by the title. This thoughtless reaction from a smart, fun girl who blasted songs that graphically described the female body (and things to do with it) just didn’t sit right with me. Second, I saw my first performance of The Vagina Monologues, and I thought, “I don’t know exactly what all this is about, but I know it’s powerful.” I performed in the Monologues my sophomore year, and my involvement has escalated every year since.

To you, why is it important to stop sexual violence?
The V-Day movement has adopted “until the violence stops” as its shorthand mantra; similarly, the reason V-Day resonates with me is it defends the position that sexual violence shouldn’t happen AT ALL. For
me, I guess the point isn’t the stats or the numbers. Regardless ofrates or sample sizes or survey conditions, I think that this issue affects more than just the individuals who are abused. Sexual violence and violence against women is a global problem that degrades societies from their cores, and the simple fact that it continues and we’re not outraged reflects our collective sense of social ethic and dignity. To me, it’s unacceptable.
What is your favorite monologue from the show?
"My Short Skirt" is fun, frisky, upbeat, and packs a punch. It promotes pride and ownership of your own body to insist that you can do anything. It provides a buoyant change of pace in the show and leaves everyone feeling empowered.

Is there anything that makes you an outrageous Warrior?
I really just want to talk. If through civil, compassionate conversation I can show people that their choices powerfully affect social perception, then, well, I’m satisfied.

If your vagina could talk, what would it say? 
“So many beautiful reasons I have to be happy how I am”

~Peace and Happiness~
Vagina Warrior Extraordinaire

"Comfortable In My Own Skin"

V-Day is more than fundraising -- it's the wonderful people who dedicate themselves to the campaign. They are true Vagina Warriors. 

I'll be posting profiles of some of our Vagina Warriors so that you can see the people behind the scenes

Laura has worked hard and helped Publicity and Arts this year and last. She's played a major role in designing the show poster for 2011! 

When did you become a Vagina Warrior? What inspired you to join V-Day? 
I became an official Vagina Warrior two years ago when I participated in my first Vagina Monologues production.  I read The Vagina Monologues in high school and was one-third scandalized, one-third thrilled, and one-third amazed.  It was my dream to participate in the show.

To you, why is it important to stop sexual violence? 
Sexual violence isn't something that's openly talked about.  It's a topic for hushed corners and cop shows.  It's something that appears around the world, and it needs to be confronted.

What is your favorite monologue from the show?  
I love "The Vagina Workshop."  It was my first monologue, and it expanded my comfort level to no extent!  I definitely helped me grow and become more comfortable in my own skin.


Is there anything that makes you an outrageous Warrior? Any catch phrase? Accessory? 
Buying chocolate vagina pops for my mom and all of her friends last year was fun...

If your vagina could talk, what would it say? 
It would say..."Adventure time!"

~Peace and Happiness~
Vagina Warrior Extraordinaire